it's funny because it's true
Click to The Onion only if you don't mind swear words. (You say you're teaching Marx in class, and your friends send you the oddest things.)
this is the weblog for the classical sociological theory class at hunter college, summer session I, 2005. hopefully, there will be things to read here.
It bothers me that so many useless shit are being made in China for American consummers, it would bother me less though if these shit were also made in other underdeveloped countries. A more fair global distribution of useless shit.
China has sustained the hightest growth of the planet for the last decade. I do not admire the way they achieved it and the way this achivement was encoraged by the rich countries. The most savage capitalism is being practiced in China by benefiting from communism. It is the cynical marxism. It is almost as if civilization went back 150 years.
That Chinese factory owner in the video we watched gave me nightmares. I despised him profoundly. Funny thing is that he seemed, by the way he speaks English, to have been abroad, propably in the US. He learned his capitalism of exploitation there and went back to China to take advantage of the new economic/political system:
Capitalism for the rich,
Communism for the poor.
Hi From Canada
Your blog is very interesting!
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